Getting a no employment check payday loan is no longer such a big deal. Unexpected emergencies can arise anytime and leave you in a fix. This is where a no employment, no credit check payday loan can come to rescue.
A no employment check payday loan is granted without considering the past credit track record of the borrower. At times you even find companies that do not even conduct an employment detail check before granting the loan. Though there are certain other formalities that the applicant would have to fulfill in order to be eligible for the loan.
Eligibility Requisites
In order to be eligible for a no employment check payday loan, an individual must fulfill all of the below mentioned criteria:
• The applicant must be 18 years or above and should be a citizen of the US.
• He should earn at least $1000 a month.
• He should possess an active checking account that is at least 6 months old.
• He should also have residential proof.
If you fulfill the entire above mentioned criteria, then your no employment check payday loan would be easily granted. If this seems like an appropriate proposition, all you have to do is to find a lending company and apply immediately.
Take Care While Picking A Lending Company
Do proper research and take care of all these pointers:
• Make sure that you locate a reputed company as there are a number of fraud ones out there trying to fool people like you.
• The company you deal with should inform you about all the terms and conditions and deal with complete transparency.
• Be sure to ask about the interest rate that the company would levy on your loan. As yours would be a no employment check payday loan, you are more likely to be charged a higher interest rate.
Once you have located a company that is offering you the best deal, go ahead and sign up with them. You would have to fill up an online application form and submit it for approval. On approval the amount would be electronically transferred into your bank account, the same day.
While all of the above should be in place, do ensure that you repay your no employment check payday loan on its due date to prevent any further damage to your credit rating.
Source : Click here
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